The tireless support of our volunteers makes our work possible. There are several ways you can get involved and a range of different volunteer roles you can take on. You decide your hours and level of commitment. We simply ask that you undertake essential training etc that all volunteers must do.
Volunteers that help in search and rescue operations are part of a team that saves people’s lives. Our volunteers that maintain the infrastructure network are part of vital work, but are not on-call for emergencies. Whatever your involvement, you’ll play an important role supporting people in distress and your community.
What's in it for you?
As a member of AREC, you will be able to enjoy such benefits as local and national training, participation in SAR exercises and search operations. You will also enjoy the common interest and camaraderie of fellow AREC members, our newsletters, and meetings in your local district.
Once you join as a member, you will be issued with an identification card, and get access to AREC branded clothing. Most of all, you will be supporting people in distress, and in your community.
What do you need?
To join AREC you must have and maintain a financial membership with NZART. Talk to your local NZART Branch for contact details for local AREC Group Leader(s) or the AREC District Manager for further information about AREC in your area.
- Provide a PASSPORT SIZED photo to Administration or your District Manager
- Attend a local AREC Group meeting,
- Administration will send you an AREC ID card, lanyard and pullcord,
Please contact if you have any queries or if you need assistance making contact with local AREC Groups – we are available and more than happy to help.
Our Roles

Communicator / Radio Operator
- Operate radios at incident management base.
- Operate radios at staging forward base.
- Operate radios at home base.
- Operate radios out in the field.

Training Tutor
- Create and deliver AREC training courses.

Radio Technician
- Maintain repeater and network infrastructure.
- Provide technical support and advice.

IT Technician
- Support AREC IT needs.
- Provide IT support to LandSAR groups.
- Support SARTrack SAR management software.

Radio Programmer
- Manage channel plans in compliance with RSM Regulations.
- Program radios.
- Provide programming support.

Group Leader
- Lead and manage your local AREC Group.
- Liaise with emergency services such as Police, St John Ambulance, Red Cross, Civil Defence and Search and Rescue at the local level.

Comms Unit Leader
- Lead the comms team at an incident.
- Create the comms plans.
- Create and manage the roster of operators.

Event Response Leader
- Take command and management of AREC events.
- Liaison with event organizers
- Ensure compliance with AREC Operational Deployment and Command Policy.
47 Groups
We have 47 local groups across New Zealand.
Take a look at our map to find your nearest group.