Southland AREC
Tonight, we celebrate Southland AREC being recognized at the NZ Search and Rescue Awards. Brendon ZL4BDS was on hand to receive the certificate of achievement

Wet day at Dip Flat
It has been very wet, and now a bit cool at Dip Flat for the Police National SAR Course. AREC – Amateur Radio Emergency Communications providing

long standing AREC members being recognised
Years of radio communication have given one Balclutha man audio experiences for a lifetime. Balclutha local Cliff Gray recently received a life membership for his

Keeping in touch when it counts
Great article recognising all ‘Hams’ who supported Tairawhiti – Gisborne, through the worst devastation the region had seen in decades. Ka mau te wehi! https://www.criticalcomms.com.au/content/public-safety/article/radio-amateurs-respond-to-cyclone-gabrielle-249881583

90 Years of Service
During 1931 Amateur Radio operators provided communications links for the authorities during the aftermath of the Napier Earthquake. Following this and the need for communications

AREC Rules and Code of Conduct
Like many organisations, AREC has rules and policies that talk about our vision and purpose – and provide the framework for how we need to
Recent Posts

long standing AREC members being recognised
Years of radio communication have given one Balclutha man audio

Keeping in touch when it counts
Great article recognising all ‘Hams’ who supported Tairawhiti – Gisborne,
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